Apostolic Christian Church
August’s Collection - HarvestCall Servant Fund - This fund provides modest financial support for brothers and sisters sent as full-time missionaries by HarvestCall. With approximately 40 missionary brothers and sisters currently serving (see attachment below), total expenses are about $100,000 per month. Those serving as well as HarvestCall express gratitude for your support.
Sunday 8/7
Wednesday 8/17 - Family Night - Bro. Fred & Sis. Jodi will be speaking to the church about their experiences in Papua New Guinea. Supper will begin at 6:30, and we will again be eating pizza in the church dining room. After eating, please proceed to the fellowship hall for the presentation. Singing will begin at 7:15. Please note that family night was originally announced as August 10th, but the 17th works better for the Leman family.
Saturday 8/20 - Testimonies (singing begins at 6:45): Michael Rasumson, Collin Wacker
Saturday 9/10 - Testimonies (singing begins at 6:45): Ben and Brittany Hodel, Hattie Hodel, Rachel Lindberg, with baptisms on Sunday 9/11
New Address for Sis Karen Leman - She has moved to the Fairbury Nursing Home Apts to be closer to family. Her new email address: kjleman525@gmail.com
Three-year-old Sunday School Signup - If you have a child that is 3 yrs. old - please sign them up on the sheet that is posted on the back hallway bulletin board outside the church dining room. If you are interested in helping teach this class.
Nursing Home
Small Group Gatherings - The hosts for Aug-November small group gatherings should have received an email this week. For more information, contact Sis. Penny Maher.
National Church Events
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Christian Church